Friday, December 19, 2014

Wellness Kit Instructions

Wellness Kit Instructions

Step 1
If you aren’t injured get some exercise.

  • Take a walk
  • Go to the Gym
  • Keep it lite, not a lot of pressure or competition. The point is to get your endorphins up and your heart rate going.
  • This is one of the most important steps because if you are having a bad day this will help you get back to you faster.
Step 2
Take a bath or shower and make sure you wash your hair.

  • Chances are you haven’t showered or washed your hair in a while. Showering will help you get into the right state of mind and become healthy quicker.
Step 3
Make sure you have had something nutrient rich to eat. Also drink plenty of water.

  • Nutrition bars are a good start if you don’t have any food made.
  • Preferably eat something with both meat and veggies.
  • Canned soup is good for this. Get the ones that you don’t need to add water to as to make it easier when you need it.
Step 4
Pick a good movie

  • When I am depressed I need a movie I’ve seen before that I am not required to pay a lot of attention to. This may be the same for you.
  • Make yourself a happy movies list so you always have a go to when you need it most.
  • When I am depressed I need a distraction from my mind.
  • I also like to play games on my computer as a good distraction.
  • This is a good point to get in PJ’s and Comfy socks.
Step 5

  • Dark chocolate
  • Stress relief tea
  • Sleeping Pill
  • Blanket & Pillow
  • Vit-C pack for water

Step 1
  • Exercise Clothes
  • Water Bottle
Step 2
  • Bubble bath
  • Face Mask
  • Aromatherapy Bath Salts or Candles
  • Shampoo & Conditioner
  • Face Scrub
  • Hair Brush
  • Hair Tie
Step 3
  • Clif bars or some other nutrition bars
  • Canned soup with both veggies & meat
Step 4
  • Movie List
  • Pj’s & Comfy Socks
Step 5
  • Dark chocolate
  • Stress relief tea
  • Sleeping pill
  • Blanket & Pillow

Graditude Practice

It can be helpful to start a gratitude practice. I like to start it in the morning just spend a sentence or two writing about what I want to focus on that day to be grateful for. This is mine:

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Depression Basic Questions Flow Chart

This is a basic flowchart of questions to ask yourself when you are in the middle of your depression. It can also be helpful for loved ones to help you in get through it.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Wellness Kit

As the holidays are coming around I have been thinking of helpful gifts to give our clinically depressed loved ones. I have come up with a wellness kit. When I feel sick (depressed) I need certain things to lift me out they can be different for everyone but this is the list I've come up with so far.
  • Instructions to go on a walk
  • Water bottle
  • Mug
  • Herbal Tea
  • Happy Movies list
  • Vitamin C Immune pack or Multivitamin
  • Warm cozy socks
  • Bubble bath
  • Face Scrub
  • Face Mask
  • Can of soup (progresso or otherwise so there is nothing but putting it in the microwave)
  • Nutrition Bar
  • A permission slip to wear pjs
  • Instructions to get some sleep